Junior or senior Illinois high school students, entered by their art or design instructors. Instructors must register using their school-affiliated email addresses. Artcall.org accounts created with private email accounts such as Gmail or Hotmail will not be eligible. Student information including email addresses and/or phone numbers of accepted artists/designers will be requested.
The School of Art and Design at Southern Illinois University Carbondale reserves the right to utilize images of accepted works for the online exhibition as well as promotion of future competitions or other promotional purposes.
Scholarship monies will be released to award winners that apply, are accepted, and enroll in the School of Art and Design at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Scholarships from the 2024 competition must be claimed by February 28th, 2025 for current high school seniors (12th grade), and February 28th, 2026 for current high school juniors (11th grade). The funds will be applied to the tuition portion of the winner's university bursar account for their second semester of study.
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